good morning ladies! so it is finally official, i am having our second son, Bradley Taylor this friday! and though i try to keep my excitement and planning to myself in order that you may read about weddings and not my personal life, i couldn't not tell you this news! and that above is his bedding--and don't i wish i could also say that is what his adorable nursery looks like as well, but don't be fooled, it doesn't! but i hope to one day have some circus stripes like that--too cute, huh?
with the delivery of my first son, Cody James, we had some complications: shoulder dystocia. he was a little big, 9 lbs 3 oz and 23 inches long, and he unfortunately got stuck under my pelvis. to save you from the gory, somewhat horrifying details (and it's those details that have made my own sister reconsider another :) hmmm, fun.), i'll just say that both me and my doctor said, "i'm not doing that again!". but i am so happy to say that Cody ended up completely healthy, a little bruised and purple, but healthy and perfect despite his rough ride into this world :) and since, we are "not doing that again", my doctor has scheduled me to deliver early. apparently my husband and i make big babies--i'll give the glory to my husband since he is 6'3" and about 260 lbs...yeah, our kids will be middle linebackers not point guards.
and this is why we are able to "plan" the arrival of Bradley. so friday we'll be getting this party started! we are so excited--i just want to see what he looks like!! our sons will be 15 months apart...perhaps a little crazy, but in the end, we hope that they will be best buds :)

so what does this mean for Dani? i will be out of commission for a while. i am planning for a month of really taking it easy and spending time with just the fam. but that doesn't mean Weddings Fresh will be off line! oh no! we will be featuring the "Best of Weddings Fresh's Inspiration Boards", new weekly Gown Fridays and fabulous fashion updates from our in-house fashionista Bride Chic's Amy-Jo. so great! and i may even give you an update on our family as well :)
one last thing...this stroller you see here, yeah it's the BEST double stroller ever invented for moms who have an infant and a young toddler--oh my! my husband and i ran into a woman who had her kids in this stroller and she could not stop talking about how wonderful it is--she even had us do a "test drive" right then and there to convince us! and i am so glad she did because i have been sold ever since. i will warn you, it is quite the investment (oh dear, it's expensive!) but it's worth it! there are so many places online to find it, but my mom found it on Pish Posh Baby for an AMAZING deal--almost $150 cheaper than some places. we couldn't believe it.