good morning! have you guys seen these yet? beautiful organic fabric wraps from Chewing the Cud! i love how you can basically wrap anything, from boxes to bottles of wine, and they are so perfect too bring color and texture to a tablescape, and not to mention ideal for wrapping up wedding favors! and these little invites seem to match perfectly for a bridal shower, don't you think? visit their etsy shop to buy and for more wrapping inspiration check out there blog!

okay, one more thing...can i just have a little moment of silence for my household today as i embark on a long road taken by every mom of a toddler...potty training. oh dear. here we go. nervous, yes. prepared, who knows. ready to not change diapers one day, yes. pray for me ladies... :) and here is the little guy right here (the one standing not the one dangling of course :)).