I can't think of a better fragrance for a bride on her wedding day. Light and fresh, Blue Grass has been around since 1936 and is fused with notes of lavender, clove, orange blossom and nutmeg. However, you won't find it atop the Elizabeth Arden counter. Arden has brought out too many edgy fragrances with higher price tags, so this stock is kept under the counter and asked for mostly by women of the World War II Generation. Blue Grass was launched in 1936 by Elizabeth Arden, her advisors skeptic the equestrian name hinting at her passion for breeding racehorses sounded a little too, Old Kentucky Home to work wiith the new fragrance. Fortunately, Blue Grass was a success for Arden, lifting her out of financial crisis as she went on to reign supreme with it in the fragrance market for the next twenty five years. So loved in our household when I was growing up, we all referred to this beautiful concoction as, 'Horse Perfume'. It remains my favorite of all time and I crave Blue Grass like I sometimes crave chocolate or certain foods. For me it's right up there with examining and touching a genuine Dior original or reading Steinbeck.