Monday, May 17, 2010


Not exactly a new feature but just wanted to make sure you don't miss out on all the great editorials we've done this season and all the seasons that have gone before us.  Check out the side bar where you'll find a link to The Chic Report.  After premiering on the Bride Chic Blog, each editorial feature will migrate to a permanent page and link.  This means if there was something you liked it will be easier to keep checking back for reference.  Pictured above is the lovely Sujan photographed by Stellar Q. Danielo for the upcoming editorial, 'Meet Me in the Park' a showcase of images by San Francisco photographers of my gowns, set against the gorgeous backdrop of Golden Gate Park.  The interesting textured wall Sujan walks alongside here is the facade of the De Young Museum, one of a few park landmarks we captured . . .