here's to a little edible eye candy. though the cake has taken a back seat to the non-traditionalist approach to the desert, with cupcakes and homemade pies and desert tables reigning king, i still believe a gorgeous cake, inside and out, has it's honored place in a wedding. the Bakery Bar in NE Portland are the creators of these delectable confections and has a way with fondant cut-outs like no other in town. they have been featured numerous times in our local wedding publications and was part of the cake shoot i attended while working with Oregon Bride Magazine. and can i tell you, those cake are serious works of art!

{images: white bird cake: Steve Scardina, red poppies: Steve Scardina; pale pink antique button cake: Hayley Young; yellow blossoms: bakery bar; fuchsia flowers/pewter birds: bakery bar}