Boy do I have a real treat for you this Valentine's Day! For those of you who missed Donna and Matt's I heart you wedding last year, check it out here in all its bright splendor. I'd like to give the very talented Loic Photography a buzz again for making this medley of images something really special. I'm grateful to Donna and Matt for inspiring others to step outside the box, especially Donna for wearing my dress so beautifully and adding the red and purple petticoat. BTW folks, every time I run anything on this wedding I get emails asking, "Where do I find the shoes . . .?" So I ask you, who else but Vivienne Westwood could do these shoes?
Monday, February 14, 2011
Boy do I have a real treat for you this Valentine's Day! For those of you who missed Donna and Matt's I heart you wedding last year, check it out here in all its bright splendor. I'd like to give the very talented Loic Photography a buzz again for making this medley of images something really special. I'm grateful to Donna and Matt for inspiring others to step outside the box, especially Donna for wearing my dress so beautifully and adding the red and purple petticoat. BTW folks, every time I run anything on this wedding I get emails asking, "Where do I find the shoes . . .?" So I ask you, who else but Vivienne Westwood could do these shoes?