last saturday i threw my husband a surprise party for his big 30th birthday. it took a lot of coordination, phone calls "in code" and some sneaky maneuvering in order to make sure he didn't know what was coming, but well worth it! he was so surprised and extremely excited that we all celebrating him reaching "old-man-hood". ha! just kidding! i can only say that because i'm not 30 yet, and then it won't be funny :)
to make the party even more memorable, my sweet friend Katie and her husband, Greg, from Katie Anderson Photography offered to come by and set-up one of her new specialties: a photo booth! oh, so fun!! i wish i could have had one of these at my wedding--it's the perfect setting for guests to just relax and be a little goofy, and a creative and fun way to capture all the wonderful people in your life who you love!
so in the picture above you see me hubbie, tyler, my beautiful niece, karli, and me. technically there were "NO KIDS ALLOWED" at this party, but she had to stop by and see her aunt "D", so i okay-ed it :) my kiddos were home sick with my parents. i wish we could have had some photos of them too. if you want to see more of this little get-together and more of what the talented Katie Anderson can do, check her out here!