good morning! please forgive me for being so absent this week. our house if full of feverish little bodies and green running noses. my two little boys are very needy and mama needs to take some time and love on them :)
but real quickly, today, i thought i would share with you this exciting new addition to the online invitation resource, Pingg. ever used them? when i threw my husband his surprise 30th birthday party the other week i decided to go with them in order to organize, email, update and plan secretly all online without him ever knowing! i was extremely impressed by their easy to use features including, card design (using their graphics or your own), guest list creation and monitoring, free event website that is available for you and all your guests, thank you cards, and even an option to have your invites created online but sent through the mail! plus, the entire website is wonderfully clean and clutter free--i can't stand online invitation companies that bombard you with horrific branding and miles of advertising.
okay! so, i bring this all up because Pingg is announcing their collaboration with Martha Stewart Weddings! fabulous! talk about taking the stress and frustration out of handling your all your wedding event lists needs. it keeps track of all of it! plus, you get the timeless feel of Martha Stewart Weddings on your personalized wedding invitations.
Here is what Brittany from Pingg.com had to add:
With two-dozen designs to choose from, the Martha Stewart Weddings collection is sure to have the perfect design for any invitation or announcement a bride may need. Ideal for save-the dates, engagement announcements, bridal showers, rehearsal dinners and more, the exclusive Martha Stewart Weddings Collection for pingg will fit any couple's unique style and budget (they're FREE!).
Check Pingg out and their Martha Stewart Wedding collection here!